Effective Ways That Help Reduce Open Pores

The skin goes through a regular process of shedding dead skin cells along with the formation of new skin cells. With increasing age, the cell renewal process decreases, and the dead skin cells, debris, and oil found on the surface get trapped inside the pores, and the skin also expands to fit all of this excess debris. When the skin is young, the skin pores stay relatively clear and clean due to the desquamation process.

While this process also continues after the age of 30, but its frequency of working slows down. This results in the pores taking on more excess material before clearing naturally. The pores expand and appear much bigger than they actually are.

Open pores VS clear pores

There is a misconception about open pores that one can shrink or close them. But the fact is that no amount of wishing can close or shrink pores. They need to be opened to help sebum and other materials come onto the skin surface and help make it healthy and glowing. One can reduce the appearance of enlarged pores by cleansing the skin debris, such as removing daily dirt or makeup trapped inside the open pores.

The market is full of products promising to “OPEN THE SKIN PORES.” One must make a note that that pores are already open. Steam facial makes one feel as if you’re opening up the skin pores, but the steam is actually cleansing the pores off-oil, removing dead skin cells and debris. While the skin doesn’t technically breathe the way the lungs do, it requires open pores to keep us cool and eliminate dead skin cells so that new cells can grow.

It is advised to use dermatologist suggested products as improper cleaning can lead to skin irritation. Harsher products can have an adverse effect on the skin. When it comes to skincare, it's only natural to assume that the stronger a product is, the more likely it is to reduce the effect of large pores. The wrong products won't help to clear a clogged skin pore, and they're actually more likely to cause skin irritation and pimples formation.

10 Effective Ways to Minimize Large Open Pores:

It may not be possible to get rid of large pores, but few effective ways can help make them look smaller, soft, supple, and stopping the pores from becoming clogged.

1. Choose water-based products

Moisturizing products contain various active ingredients that contain oils. Oil-free products, including water-based products, are recommended in people who have oily or acne-prone skin.

Oil-based products contain petrolatum, coconut oil, etc. effectively moisturize the skin but are not suitable for people with oily skin and large pores. The excess oil on the skin can make pores look larger.

2. Wash face both at morning and night

Wash the face up to twice a day or more after sweating a lot or doing sports. This help remove excess oil and dirt from the pores and make them less visible.

  • Use lukewarm water and gently applying a cleanser with clean fingers.

  • Choose a gentle cleanser that is non-abrasive and does not contain alcohol.

  • Avoiding scrubbing or rubbing the skin.

  • Pat the face dry with a clean towel.

3 Choose the Right Cleanser

A gel-based cleanser helps remove excess oil from the pores and is an ideal option for people with oily skin who want to make their pores less visible. It is recommended to avoid oil-based or alcohol-based cleansers, as these can cause skin irritation. A moisturizing cleanser can also increase oiliness.

4. Exfoliate at Regular Intervals

People with oily skin should exfoliate their skin once or twice a week to remove dirt, dead skin cells, and oil that can clog their pores as. Suitable products may contain beta hydroxy acids, salicylic acid, and polyhydroxy acids, strengthening the skin’s barrier function, and mandelic acid for sensitive skin. A dermatologist can prescribe the best option suitable according to an individual skin type.

It is important not to exfoliate more than twice a week, as this can dry out the skin. Although exfoliation helps keep pores unclogged, pores can look bigger if the skin becomes too dry.

5. Moisturize daily

An oil-free moisturizer can help reduce pore enlargement. One should first wash and pat the skin dry, then gently apply a moisturizer to hydrate the skin. This allows the sebum from the sebaceous glands to penetrate more deeply into the skin. In this way, moisturizing prevents pores from becoming clogged with oil, reducing their appearance.

6. Apply a charcoal mask

Using a mask once or twice a week can help remove additional oil, dead cells, and debris from the pores. Removing that oil can help prevent pores from becoming enlarged and make them less visible. It is advised to apply mask first followed by gentle exfoliation, and then apply moisturizer on the skin to avoid irritation.

7. Always remove makeup at night

It is essential always to remove makeup before going to bed. Sleeping with makeup overnight can block the pores due to a buildup of makeup, oil, and bacteria.

8. Wear sunscreen

It is important to keep the skin protected from sun exposure to keep it supple. Sun exposure can dry the skin, making pores appear larger. One should apply a sunscreen with an SPF of 50 or over.

9. Drink Lots of Water

Keeping the skin hydrated is vital to avoid it from drying up. Drink at least two to three liters of water every day, as dehydrated skin can result in pores' enlargement.

10. Eat Healthy Diet

Avoid eating foods rich in carbohydrates and oils to avoid acne breakouts. This may be the culprit of causing enlarged pores. Diets rich in vitamins and essential nutrients help keep the skin radiant, firm, and healthy.

By following a skincare regimen and staying hydrated, one can prevent enlargement of the pores, which can help the skin look smooth, firm, and healthy.

Parisa Skin Cosmetic & Laser Centre also provides open pores reduction treatments using advanced peels and laser technology. For more information, consult today with the best skin expert at Chandigarh at Parisa Skin Cosmetic & Laser Centre.